Well that cathedral quilt is slowly but surely moving along....
I whipped up a quickie gift for a little girl about to turn three. I'm a fan of the classic kid toys..coloring books, blocks, puzzles, stuffed animals...etc.

I made a little crayon keeper for her to store her crayons in...of course this comes with some new crayons and a coloring book too. Turns out I'm the only adult left in the world who thinks coloring is cool. There are so many expensive and wild toys out there. I had to look and look for crayons and coloring books. For 4 dollars at target I got a set of .79 cent crayons and a coloring book. I'm pretty sure my scrap eater project and cheep simple toy will be a hit...

Hey! Thanks for entering my give away and following my blog! You're making cool stuff here. Guess what? I'm a scientist turned quilter, too. So, pleased to meet you!